Jean Queen Donna Ida Thornton shares her top tips for Easter.
Easter has always been my favourite time of year.
You get as much time off as Christmas but without all the festive stress. Just four blissful days that signal the start of Summer in the UK. I love it. Plus, it's practically obligatory to eat chocolate breakfast lunch and dinner.

Fresh pastels for spring. I'll be floating between Prudence in Let's Pinky Promise and Molly in Milk. I'll be finishing off my look in the pretty new cashmere Devil's in the Detail in Strawberry Milkshake.
For a drive in the countryside, I'll be throwing my London Car Coat in Honey I'm Home, a beautiful blue.

Spring styles: Molly in Milk with Devil's in the Detail in Strawberry Milkshake, Prudence in Let's Pinky Promise, Devil's in the Detail with Kate Jeans, London Car Coat in Honey I'm Home, Wanda Jumpsuit in Sandy Hair Just Don't Care and Iris in Milk.

I'll be looking forward to Bobby Dazzler dishing up his signature Roast Lamb in the Green Egg, served up with hasselback potatoes and all the trimmings. I'll be decorating my Easter tree with these personalised eggs from Sassigraphy. Here's a peak into how I'll style the table for Easter too with a tropical theme.

It will also be time to enjoy his delicious Hot Cross Buns. You can find the recipes on YouTube so you can make the dishes too.
Have a happy and relaxing Easter break.